Honouring Fathers: Celebrating Father's Day with Gratitude and Godly Inspiration


Father's Day is a time for us to appreciate and thank the fathers and father figures in our lives. In the Assemblies of God Church, we recognize the importance of fatherhood and its impact on families and communities.

Just as Joseph embraced his role as Jesus' earthly father with faith and love, fathers today are called to reflect God's character and provide for their families. They are spiritual leaders, guiding their children in the ways of the Lord.

On this Father's Day, let us express gratitude for fathers' sacrifices, love, and support. As a church, we can provide resources and programs to equip fathers to be effective spiritual leaders.

Above all, let us remember our Heavenly Father's love and grace. May this Father's Day inspire us to become godly fathers, guided by His wisdom.



Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and father figures in our church family!


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The Christ Ambassador Student Outreach Day is a day set aside to recognize and celebrate the commitment and passion of young members within the church community.

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