Assemblies of God, Wuse 30 days January Fasting and Prayer Daily Messages Archive in Downloadable Mp3 Audio Format.

Enjoy and be Blessed!

Sermon Details:


 Day 1 

 Day 2 

 Day 3 

 Day 4 

 Day 5 

 Day 6 

 Day 7 

 Day 8 

 Day 9 

 Day 10 

 Day 11 

 Day 12 

 Day 13 

Harvest 2023 - December 3rd

Today's Blog: CASOR Day

The Christ Ambassador Student Outreach Day is a day set aside to recognize and celebrate the commitment and passion of young members within the church community.

Carol 2023

Harvest 2023

Quick Links


Assemblies of God Church, Wuse
Zenith International Bank